Video Pill Dispenser DoseControl 2021

Content of the product video Pill Dispenser DoseControl
Section 1
We are proud to present our latest automatic pill dispenser DoseControl model 2021 from MedControl Systems, developed especially for care of your loved ones suffering from memory disorders, impaired vision or motor skills, or loved ones taking many medications.
The DoseControl automatic dispenser will help in taking a right medication dose at the right time, while reducing the risk of taking the wrong dose, or taking two or more doses at the same time. The pill dispenser in Bluetooth or WIFI version allows remote setting and control over medication intake using a smartphone application DoseControl.
Section 2
The automatic dispenser DoseControl consists of the following parts:
- Rotating medication tray with 28 compartments; approximately 35 aspirin-sized tablets will fit in each compartment
- Durable dosage rings for dosing from one to nine times a day in English language
- Lockable transparent, matte or solid cover of the dispenser and a cover of a battery compartment
- Large clear display and four large setting buttons, visual alarm around the entire display and microphone on the back side
The dispenser works on batteries that are inserted into the back of the dispenser. A charging adapter can be connected to the Bluetooth or WIFI version of the dispenser via the USB-C connector.
A metal key is used to securely lock the dispenser cover and the cover of batteries.
Rotating tray, dosage rings, dispenser covers, key or charging adapter can be purchased as optional accessories.
You can easily set the dispenser according to the detailed instructions in the English language.
Section 3
Automatic pill dispenser DoseControl can be set to remind of medication dose intake from 1 to 9 times a day. Each dosing regimen corresponds to one of the nine enclosed dosage rings. Neutral numeric or blank templates are available on request, which can customize by the user.
The daily times set for dispensing of individual doses will be stored in the dispenser's memory and will be repeated on every following day.
Section 4
At the pre-set reminder time, an alarm is triggered - an intermittent beeping sound, a flashing green backlight around the display or a voice message - and the inner medication tray is rotating by one compartment containing a dose of medication for a given time.
The dose of medication is removed simply by turning the dispenser upside down, which also deactivates the alarm triggered. Until the dose is not taken the sound and light signal will last for the next 30 minutes. After this period sound signal will shut off and the visual will turn red for the next 4 minutes.
Dispensers with Bluetooth or WIFI function feature an adjustment of the alarm duration, can notify the user by e-mail on taken or missed doses and on a low battery level.
Section 5
The dispenser DoseControl model 2021 is available with a solid, matte or transparent cover. In the standard version - without monitoring support, Bluetooth version - monitoring and notifications via Android application or WIFI version - control, monitoring and notifications via app and a telemedicine center.
Our colleagues from customer service in English will be happy to assist you in choosing a suitable version or in setting the dispenser.
If you have any further questions regarding the automatic dispensers DoseControl, please refer to the contacts published on our website
DoseControl - the right medication at the right time even in a distant care of your loved ones!
Ensure a right and safe medication of your loved ones!